Contents of Volume 13, Number 2 (1995)
PART Q (Questions)
- S. García-Ferreira, V.I. Malykhin and A. Tamariz-Mascarúa, Solutions and problems on convergence structures to ultrafilters, pp. 103-122
- H. Chen and M. Dai, Spaces with feebly compactness, pp. 123-128
- J. Doboš, A survey on metric preserving functions, pp. 129-134
- V.I. Malykhin, Two sorts of topologies, pp. 135-138
- R.A. McCoy and I. Ntantu, Properties of C(X) with the weak epi-topology, pp. 139-152
PART A (Answers)
- J. Dontchev, Grant’s question on generalized graphs, pp. 153-156
- F.G. Arenas, Transfinite dimension and rings of continuous functions, pp. 157-167
- S. Romaguera, An example on quasi-uniform convergence and quiet spaces, pp. 169-171
- V. Basmanov, Covariant topological functors and their extensions, pp. 173-201
- S.G. Popvassilev, Principle Aτ, pp. 203-205
- S.G. Popvassilev, Principle Aτ, II, pp. 207-210
- L.D. Kočinac, On the cardinality of Urysohn spaces, pp. 211-216
- D.N. Georgiou, A note on a question of Y. Hattori, pp. 217-219
- P.J. Szeptycki, Dense subsets of product spaces, pp. 221-222
- H.H. Hung, A companion to the double sequences theorem of Nagata, p. 223