Contents of Volume 23, Number 1 (2005)
PART Q (Questions)
- D. Daniel, J. Nikiel, L.B. Treybig, H.M. Tuncali and E.D. Tymchatyn, On perfectly normal compacta, pp. 1-14
PART A (Answers)
- O. Echi and M. Ito, Up-spectral spaces and A-spectral spaces, pp. 15-26
- S. Kawaguchi, Compactness and absolute embeddings in Hausdorff spaces, pp. 27-30
- Y. Ziqiu, On a question of s.o.nbd.assgn, pp. 31-34
- Y.Tanaka and I. Yoshioka, Spaces determined by point-countable covers and singly bi-quasi-k-spaces, pp. 35-54
- H.H. Hung, Bases, networks and g-functions, pp. 55-63
- R. Levy, Comparable compactifications whose remainders have different dimension properties, pp. 65-68
- M. Caldas, D.N. Georgiou, S. Jafari and T. Noiri, On (λ,θ)-closed sets, pp. 69-87